Right Click For Music Controls

; Name, Width, Height; Registration code (if you have it); Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked".; Reglink opened in new frame?; Statusbar message; resolution (1 .. 8); Image to load; File for scrolltext or "NO"; Waving speed (1..200); Perspective (1..100); Far waving intensity (1..10000); Wind intensity (1..20); Wind variation speed (0..200); Wind variation min (0..20); Wind variation max (0..20); Optional image over applet; Over image X offset; Over image Y offset; Memory deallocation delay; Task priority (1..10); Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Msg in no java browsers


The poem can be saved to your windows desktop if you right click
on the poem, above, and chose "set as wallpaper"

If you would like a complete card (including the graphic without the lake effect)
click on the rosebud   then right click on the card and choose "set as walpaper"

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Valentine Selection Page

Visit my home page

anLake applet provided by Fabio Ciucci

Page, Background, and Valentine Card made by Jan for PinkRosesToo
Righteous Brothers-Unchained Melody compliments of FileCity

Page Created by Jan for PinkRosesToo

© 1998-2003 PinkRosesToo

To set the card below as your Windows 95 or Windows 98 wallpaper,
Right click on the card and choose "Set As Wallpaper"
If it repeats across your desktop, you will probably want to change the
display (available from the control panel) from "tile" to "center".